Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Amazon @author Beta Test for cool new Kindle feature

I'm one of a handful of lucky guinea pigs (Ted Dekker, James Rollins, Susan Orlean, more) beta testing a new Amazon feature. Basically, Amazon is exploring ways to connect readers with writers and other readers, both on the Amazon author pages and in the Kindle itself. You can ask authors a question and readers can chime in on the conversation, too. I see tons of potential for this--essentially building a Goodreads-type playground right on the Kindle!

Amazon explains it better than I can: http://amazon.com/atauthor

You can also drop by my Amazon Author Central page and ask a question directly. I am right now brainstorming a way to use the new feature in my Be Nicholson's Agent event, with a neat giveaway there.


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