Thursday, March 18, 2010

Signed skull and digital crossbones

We've been gung ho on putting together digital projects, but I just received a case of The Skull Ring paper copies yesterday. I'd forgotten the thrill of cracking a case and seeing that stack of beautiful, shiny covers with my name on it--it still has that stamp of reality that an ebook can't quite match! Signed copies are $9.95 and available for order through Haunted Computer.

I'd also like to thank author Stephen James Price, who is working hard to put together digital versions of the various comics projects. I'm really pleased to have Grave Conditions finally come together, and we'll be doing digital releases of single issues and collecting all into one trade paperback. This has been a large project, and herding a number of creative types makes herding werecats seem like child's play. All in all, I think we'll be satisfied even though we probably won't earn a dime.

In other developments, I hope to get Write Good or Die out soon, so if you're an aspiring writer, you should grab it, because this is definitely advice you won't get in most places. I'll also be running the blog as an organic, interactive writing manual, so we can all learn together. I'm sure there will be some pub-industry talk as well.

Here's the cover mock-up for Grave Conditions #1, with art by Alberto Aprea:


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